Grants and other funding opportunities
Council maintains a directory of current grant funding, rebate and financial assistance opportunities from State and Federal Governments and other sources.
Some grant opportunities are available for local community groups, and partnering with Coonamble Shire Council may be required to ensure incorporation and insurance requirements are met.
To browse the current Grant Opportunities listings, please click here.
Council employs a Grants and Communications Officer who is tasked with ensuring available grant funding for projects, activities and infrastructure works are accessible to Council and the community.
Council is reliant on grant funding from Federal and State to complete many important community projects. Recent grant-funded projects include:
- The Coonamble Visitor Information Centre
- Upgrades to the Coonamble Sportsground
- Playground and gym equipment at Lions Park, Gulargambone
- A public toilet in Quambone
To receive a monthly update on all current opportunities, please add and submit your details here: