Tenders / Requests for Quotations / Expressions of Interest
Assessment of procurement opportunities
Coonamble Shire Council’s procurement is guided by several policies, including the Local Preference Purchasing Policy and the Sustainable Procurement and Contracts Policy.
Council recognises that overall value for money is about the broader economic benefits to the entire Local Government Area and not just lowest price.
The impact of these policies on suppliers is that the quoted net price (before GST) of suppliers from the Coonamble Local Government Area will be reduced by 10% for assessment purposes. Where a non-local supplier sources goods or services from within Coonamble Local Government Area, the quoted net price (before GST) of that component of work will also be reduced by 10% for assessment purposes, up to a maximum of $15,000—provided it comprises at least a quarter (25%) of the total net price.
Non-local suppliers are thus encouraged to advise Council of the net value of goods and services sourced from within the Coonamble Local Government Area in order for the discounted assessable price weighting to be applied (where it comprises at least 25% of the total net price).
Construction and Design Specifications
In supplying to Council, contractors may be required to meet minimum construction and design specifications, as set out in the following documents:
Coonamble Development Construction Specifications - January 2022 |
Coonamble Development Design Specifications - January 2022 |
Current opportunities and requests
RFQ20250124CF: Detailed Design and Specifications for an Artesian Bore Baths and Caravan Park
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ20250124CF
Additional Information:
Coonamble Shire Council seeks quotations from appropriately qualified and experienced suppliers to complete Detailed Design and Specifications for an Artesian Bore Baths and Caravan Park in Coonamble, NSW.
The Request for Quotation documents are only available for download through Council's dedicated Tenderlink portal. The contact person for this request for quotation is Cindy Garrahy via the Tenderlink forum, which closes 2 days prior to closing the submissions.
No supplier briefing session will be conducted; questions should be forwarded within the online forum. It is recommended that respondents make their own investigations.
Quotations may be submitted anytime before the closing date and time of Thursday, 30 January 2025 at 2pm AEDT to the online tender box.
Submissions By: 2PM, Thursday 30 January 2025
RFQ250205ML: Supply and delivery of two (2) Tipper Trucks
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ250205ML
Additional Information:
Coonamble Shire Council seeks quotations from appropriately qualified and experienced suppliers for the supply and delivery of two (2) tipper trucks.
The Request for Quotation documents are only available for download through Council's dedicated Tenderlink portal. The contact person for this request for quotation is Madison Loughland via the Tenderlink forum, which closes 3 days prior to closing the submissions.
Quotations may be submitted anytime before the closing date and time of Wednesday, 5 February 2025, 11am AEDT, to the online tender box.
Submissions By: 11AM, Wednesday 05 February 2025
RFQ250212ML: Supply of two single-cab utilities
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ250212ML
Additional Information:
Coonamble Shire Council seeks quotations from appropriately qualified and experienced suppliers for the supply and delivery of two (2) single-cab utility vehicles.
The Request for Quotation documents are only available for download through Council's dedicated Tenderlink portal. The contact person for this request for quotation is Madison Loughland via the Tenderlink forum, which closes three (3) days before the submission end date.
Submissions may be lodged by the closing date and time, Wednesday, 12 February 2025, at 11am AEDT, to the online tender box.Submissions By: 11AM, Wednesday 12 February 2025
(CLOSED) Management of Coonamble Swimming Pool Complex (Tender)
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: TEN240920MB
Additional Information:
Coonamble Shire Council seeks submissions from appropriately qualified and experienced suppliers for the management of the Coonamble Swimming Pool Complex.
The proposal documents are available for download in Tenderlink only (at this link: https://portal.tenderlink.com/coonambleshire). The contact person for this request for tender is Jo Fernandes via the Tenderlink forum, which closes five days before the closing of submissions.
A non-mandatory tender briefing session will be conducted via an online platform on 27 June 2024, from 11am AEST (with the link available within the tender documentation).
The purpose of the briefing session is to advise all potential tenderers of the background of the project and the tender process to ensure suppliers have an understanding of the requirements to submit a conforming tender.
No on-site meeting will be conducted, however, it is recommended that tenderers make their own investigations.
Tenders may be submitted by the closing date and time of 12 July 2024 at 3pm AEST to the online tender box in Coonamble Shire Council's Tenderlink portal.
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ230711DJ: Pilliga Road Culvert Survey, Hydrology and Design (Coonamble)
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ230711DJ
Additional Information:
At 10am on Tuesday, 11 July 2023, Council officers, David Levick and Montana Ryvers, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for the Request for Quotation RFQ230711DJ from the following:
- Conseth Solutions
- Alluvium Consulting
- Jivy Engineering Consultants
This is a request for a lump sum quotation for the provision of design services, including cadasteral survey and hydrology assessment for the construction of four culverts located on Pilliga Road, north of the Floddenfield Road intersection, commencing at Lattitude -30.658160627 Longtitude 148.603642778 (about 42km from Coonamble). The design will be for the provision of four (4) RCBC to replace the existing causeways, assisting to flood-proof this section of road. Council’s design and construction specifications are the source documents for the supply of the design for the proposed project.
Tenderers please note, the chainages of the current causeways (from the intersection of Pilliga and Baradine Roads) are:
- 36.89 to 37.00km;
- 37.06 to 37.29km
- 37.3 to 38.03km; and
- 38.19 to 38.34km.
Questions and Answers:
- Could you please clarify as to whether the mandatory site inspection is required as part of the tender submission or as part of the project should our quotation be successful? Answer: Site inspection will be required prior to the submission of the tender so that it is accurate.
- Is the cadastral survey services to be limited to confirming the position of the existing road reserve boundaries or is Council considering property acquisition (and associated cadastral services) as part of the works? Answer: No land acquisition required; just required to confirm position of existing road reserve.
- A Detail Feature Survey will be required to be undertaken prior to the roadworks and drainage structures being designed. Has Council already had a detail survey undertaken? If not, we will include an Item for this in our fee proposal. Answer: Please include detailed feature survey in the fee proposal.
- Could Council please provide the coordinates for all four (4) existing road sag locations? Answer: Chainages of existing sag locations provided above – coordinates are not available at this time.
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ230712DJ: Concrete Bund Construction – Mt Magometon Quarry (Coonamble)
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ230712DJ
Additional Information:
At 10am on Wednesday, 12 July 2023, Council officers, David Levick and Montana Ryvers, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for the Request for Quotation RFQ230712DJ from the following:
- Infrastructure Renewal Services
- MMT Contracting
- Mark Talle Concreting
- Conex Services
Coonamble Shire Council seeks a lump-sum quotation from suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to construct a concrete slab and bund for the storage of products used to coat aggregate for road works.
Additional documentation:
RFQ230712DJ Concrete Bund Construction – Design Drawings Full Scope of Works:
RFQ230712DJ Concrete Bund Construction – Mt Magometon Quarry (Coonamble)
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
RFQ230712DJ Quotation Form
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ230726DJ: Installation of Wheel Stops and Line Marking – Coonamble NSW
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ230726DJ
Additional Information:
At 10am on Wednesday, 26 July 2023, Council officers, David Levick and Montana Ryvers, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for the Request for Quotation RFQ230726DJ from the following:
- Mark Talle Concreting
Council seeks a lump-sum quotation from suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to install concrete wheel stops in Castlereagh Street, Coonamble, along with associated line-marking.
Full Scope of Works:
RFQ230726DJ Installation of Wheel Stops and Line Marking – Coonamble NSW
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
RFQ230726DJ Quotation Form
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ230727DJ: Loading and Carting of Fill Material (within Coonamble Shire, NSW)
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ230727DJ
Additional Information:
At 10am on Thursday, 27 July 2023, Council officers, David Levick and Montana Ryvers, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for the Request for Quotation RFQ230727DJ. No submissions were received.
This is a request for a lump sum quotation for the loading and carting of fill material from Coonamble Shire Council's Sewage Treatment Works, Coonamble, to the Coonamble Waste Management Facility along Quambone Road (a distance of about 10km, with contractors to confirm before submission).
The work will involve the excavation of a one thousand tonne (1000t) of fill, its stock piling and loading onto such truck combination that is determined to cart the material to Coonamble Waste Management Facility along Quambone Road to place on site, as directed.
Full Scope of Works:
RFQ230727DJ Loading and Carting of Fill Material
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
RFQ230727DJ Quotation Form
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ230818DHS: Roadside Slashing
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ230818DHS
Additional Information:
Council is seeking to develop a panel of preferred suppliers for the slashing of roadsides (sealed road network).
Interested contractors are asked to download the nine (9) documents associated with this opportunity, complete them and return them to Council before the opportunity closes at 10am on Friday, 18 August 2023.
Additional forms to download:
Form 901 Contractor Pre-engagement Questionnaire Form 904 Contractor WHS Checklist Form 905 Contractor Environmental Checklist Form 906 Contractor Quality Checklist Form 907 Contractor ITP Checklist Form 908 Contractor Traffic Checklist Form 909 Contractor WMS Review Full Scope of Works:
RFQ230818DHS Roadside Slashing
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
RFQ230818DHS Quotation Form
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ230825DHS: Roadside and Spot Spraying
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ230825DHS
Additional Information:
Council is seeking to develop a panel of preferred suppliers for the spraying of weeds on roadsides and other spot spraying jobs.
Interested contractors are asked to download the nine (9) documents associated with this opportunity, complete them and return them to Council before the opportunity closes at 10am on Friday, 25 August 2023.
Additional forms to download:
Form 901 Contractor Pre-engagement Questionnaire Form 904 Contractor WHS Checklist Form 905 Contractor Environmental Checklist Form 906 Contractor Quality Checklist Form 907 Contractor ITP Checklist Form 908 Contractor Traffic Checklist Form 909 Contractor WMS Review Full Scope of Works:
RFQ230825DHS Roadside and Spot Spraying
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
RFQ230825DHS Quotation Form
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFQ231204TW: Design and Construct Camp Kitchen
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFQ231204TW
Additional Information:
Coonamble Shire Council seeks the services of a contractor to design and build a camp kitchen at the Coonamble Riverside Holiday Park in Coonamble, NSW.
Submissions should be made, based on the information in the Scope of Works document.
Full Scope of Works:
RFQ231204TW Design and Construct Camp Kitchen - Coonamble Riverside Holiday Park
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) RFT231206TW: Coonamble Sportsground Infrastructure Upgrades
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: RFT231206TW
Additional Information:
Coonamble Shire Council has secured funding to upgrade the changerooms under the grandstand and to upgrade facilities and amenities in the canteen building at Coonamble Sportsground.
As well as the Scope of Works and Quotation Form, the following documentation should be downloaded and considered before completing a submission by the due date.
Additional Documentation:
RFT231206TW 1.1 Architectural Plans - Coonamble Sportsground grandstand upgrades RFT231206TW 1.2 Fixtures, Fittings & Equipment - Grandstand RFT231206TW 1.3 Finishing Schedule - Grandstand RFT231206TW 1.4 Pricing Schedule - Grandstand RFT231206TW 2.1 Architectural Plans - Canteen RFT231206TW 2.2 Fixtures, Fittings & Equipment - Canteen RFT231206TW 2.3 Finishing Schedule - Canteen RFT231206TW 2.4 Pricing Schedule - Canteen RFT231206TW 3.1 Draft Contract RFT231206TW 3.2 Specifications for Coonamble Sportsground infrastructure upgrades Full Scope of Works:
RFT231206TW Coonamble Sportsground infrastructure upgrades
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) TEN230628DJ: Installation of concrete path along Limerick Street, Coonamble
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: TEN230628DJ
Additional Information:
At 10am on Wednesday, 28 June 2023, Council officers, Dirk Jol and Angela Slack-Smith, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for Tender TEN230628DJ from the following:
- LMJR Building Group
- MMT Concreting
- Conex Group
- Wheelhouse Concrete and Construction Spencer's Landscape Construction & Concreting
- Conex Services
Coonamble Shire Council seeks the services of appropriately qualified and experienced suppliers to install a concrete footpath of about 900m x 2.5 along the length of Limerick Street, Coonamble, in accordance with the detailed Scope of Works provided.
Full Scope of Works:
TEN230628DJ Installation of concrete path along Limerick Street - Coonamble
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
TEN230628DJ Quotation Form
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) TEN230712DJ: Box Ridge and Gulargambone Roads Renewal Project
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: TEN230712DJ
Additional Information:
At 10am on Thursday, 27 July 2023, Council officers, David Levick and Montana Ryvers, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for the Request for Quotation RFQ230712DJ from the following:
- Durack Civil Pty Ltd
ATTENTION (10 July 2023): The closing date of this opportunity has been extended to 10am, Thursday, 27 July 2023.
Coonamble Shire Council seeks Tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced contractors to conduct a full-width rehabilitation on seven road segments along Box Ridge Road, Gulargambone, and Gulargambone Road, Gulargambone.
Additional Documentation:
TEN230712DJ Road Renewal Project - Volume 1A Appendices TEN230712DJ Road Renewal Project - Volume 2 Conditions of Contract Full Scope of Works:
TEN230712DJ Road Renewal Project - Volume 1 Scope and Specifications
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
TEN230712DJ Road Renewal Project - Volume 3 Returnable Schedules
Submissions By:
(CLOSED) TEN230713DL: Coonamble Youth Empowerment Project
Tender/RFQ/EOI No: TEN230713DL
Additional Information:
At 10am on Thursday, 13 July 2023, Council officers, David Levick and Montana Ryvers, (as nominated by the Coonamble Shire Council General Manager, Mr Paul Gallagher) formally received submissions for the Request for Tender TEN230713DL from the following:
- Noble Aspirations
- Edraak Consulting
- Marathon Health
- Social Futures
Coonamble Shire Council seeks the services of an experienced and seasoned service provider to deliver a two-year 'Coonamble Youth Empowerment Project'.
The successful supplier will be required to propose and deliver a two-year program that:
- Empowers young people (12 to 24-year-olds) to take charge of their own futures — through skill and capacity development — and to value themselves and others more positively, including but not limited to:
- Improved work-ready skills.
- Improved engagement at school.
- Improved life skills of cooking, cleaning, budgeting and first aid.
- Enhanced self-worth and respect for others.
- Delivers human and activity resources, in conjunction with Coonamble Shire Council and other agencies, for a school holiday activity/fun program for children (5 to 11-year-olds) and young people (12 to 24-year-olds) of Coonamble Shire for a minimum of two hours on four of the five weekdays of each school holiday period (except public holidays); eg. during the two-week September school holidays, an activity would be organised for two to three hours on 8 of the 10 weekdays of the school holiday period.
- Demonstrates the capacity to sustain itself beyond the period funded through the Regional Youth Investment Program of the Department of Regional NSW (ie. two years).
- Provides periodic (usually quarterly) activity and financial reports to Coonamble Shire Council.
The full Scope of Works, Assessment Matrix and Quotation Form can be downloaded below.
Additional Documentation:
TEN230713DL Tender Assessment Matrix Full Scope of Works:
Quotation Form on which to submit a quotation:
TEN230713DL Quotation Form
Submissions By:
General Manager
Coonamble Shire Council
80 Castlereagh Street
PO Box 249